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Pat & Christine - Wylie

"Our dog, Wylie, had leash reactivity issues on walks once we moved to the suburbs from Hoboken. He is protective of us and territorial of our house. We wanted him to thrive, and we felt extreme guilt that he was so stressed in some situations. We knew Charlie and Julie had experience with dogs like Wylie and we reached out over 18 months ago for their help.

We started with the basics, and they helped us build Wylie’s confidence and engagement with us over several months. Their training methods also helped us to feel more confident in our ability to anticipate Wylie’s behaviors in certain situations and be able to get ahead of it. We have ongoing check ins with them as needed to troubleshoot certain behaviors.

They always approach each situation with care, positive reinforcement and multiple approaches that we can keep up with at home. Wylie loves them and is always excited to get to “work” when we have training sessions."

Samantha - Shadow

"Our Shadow boy is lovable but his biggest problem is not realizing how big he is. When he reached 65lbs before 1 years old, I knew I needed help. The day I met Julie & Charlie, I knew they were a perfect fit.
We have seen such an improvement with Shadow. Their training techniques are always set up for him to win. They have such great tips & tricks to make life a bit easier. It’s great to know Shadow has two more people that care for him!"

Anne - Boulder

"Charlie and Julie are great to work with. We appreciated the time they took to earn the trust of our dog, Boulder. They tailored their training activities to meet our specific needs, and when one tactic didn’t work so well, they quickly pivoted to try something new.
We very much valued their creativity in developing different training exercises so Boulder could practice in different situations. They were equally as engaged in helping us master the training techniques as they were in helping Boulder with his specific training challenges.
We would highly recommend Charlie and Julie!"

Mike - Ollie

"Our dog Ollie is a handful. He requires an experienced and thoughtful person to take care of both his medical and social needs.
Charlie & Julie have proven more than capable of not only training but also caring for our dog. They are always our first choice for dog care."

Gayle - Saint & Sage

"I have two incredibly reactive dogs. With the help of Charlie and Julie, they can go on walks, travel, and meet more people when others said they couldn't. My dog Sage is terrified of men; not only does she listen to and work with Charlie, but she also adores him. My other dog Saint continues working on his separation anxiety with Julie and trusts her implicitly.
There is nobody I trust and recommend more than Charlie and Julie. They love my dogs and go out of their way to accommodate us and give me peace of mind while away from home." 


Rob & Alison - Walter

“Fantastic service!  We have been customers for several years and cannot say enough great things.  Our Great Dane, Walter, is always excited to go and play/train with Charlie and Julie.   Top notch!”

Liz & Dave - Beau

"Our rescue dog, Beau, has some significant fear-based reactivity toward people. While he’s a smart dog, when his anxiety kicks in, it makes it very difficult to train him.
We’ve sent him to doggie daycare & training before, but they seemed to use a “one-size-fits-all” approach - which doesn’t fit Beau. We saw immediate improvements working with Charlie & Julie, and became more confident, capable dog owners.
They are incredibly patient & flexible, and adapt & apply all of their knowledge & experience to the dog & family in front of them, providing a customized plan for success. Working with Charlie & Julie, we learned how to help Beau stay calm, focused, and most importantly, feel safe so that he can listen, learn, and be a happier, healthier dog."

Leslie & Steve - Josie

"As a rescue and unintentional covid puppy, Josie became majorly attached to our family and fearful of outsiders. This fear would manifest in moments of intense stress and an overwhelming need to defend her home in the face of a perceived threat: frantic barking, struggles to keep her back, and guests often becoming afraid. With patience, attention, and care, Charlie and Julie not only gained Josie’s trust, but her love as well.
They identified her problem areas, catered training sessions specifically to her needs, and developed her confidence. Case in point: before, my daughter’s boyfriend couldn’t move from his seat or look Josie in the eye without getting a barking fit in return. With the guidance of Charlie and Julie, they now snuggle on the couch and play tug together during every visit.
We owe this remarkable shift to the work Charlie and Julie put in. No matter the needs of your furry family member, Charlie and Julie will be dedicated to their training and care. Our family cannot recommend them enough."

The Gonzalaz Family - Midnight

"Julie and Charlie have been working with us since Midnight was 4 months old. Midnight's the definition of energizer bunny. It was challenging for us to give him 100% of our time with my 7-year-old daughter and my father who is disabled.


Julie and Charlie were able to accommodate our hectic schedule and give us the proper lessons and tools to make sure Midnight would succeed. 

6 months later and our energizer bunny is now an even more amazing dog who listens to my daughter and understands that when he's with my father that he needs to be patient and I honestly couldn't have asked for anymore.


Although there's always more work to be done, I know Julie and Charlie will continue to challenge Midnight and help him thrive in all the best ways possible!"

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